Our studio
First things first; rent the studio! Check our availability below and reserve your date. You can find us on the ground floor of the StudentenDok space in D-wing of the main building, at the VU of course. Keep in mind that only radio makers with official access can enter the studio.

- Campusradio aims to be a dynamic and diverse club of students and VU employees who together create radioshows and podcast to send out into the world from the VU Campusradio studio.
- By ‘diverse’ we refer to the many different ways in which people identify, whether they relate to race, colour, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, religious beliefs, political preference, sexual orientation, citizenship, national origin, or others.
- At Campusradio we aim to offer students, support staff, academic staff and other faculty members from all backgrounds a welcoming and safe environment that facilitates their growth and development. We do not tolerate acts of discrimination, intimidation, harassment or any other conduct that violates our principles of community.
- The Advisory and Editorial VU Campusradio boards ask every individual who wants to be part of the VU Campusradio community to uphold the following principles of community.
- We seek to foster open-mindedness, understanding, compassion and inclusiveness among individuals and groups, starting with our immediate environment and extending to our listeners.
- We see diversity as a vital source of creativity and innovation for our programs and podcasts.
- We are committed to creating and fostering a climate of mutual respect, cooperation and equality at VU Campusradio.
- We are committed to ensuring an open dialogue in our programs and podcasts as well as with our fellow radio makers and board members.
- We value differences as well as commonalities and promote respect in personal interactions. We allow room for any opinion or conviction that may be held by our diverse faculty members so long as they do not harm others.
- We strive to build a community by fairness and mutual respect.
- We take action if it comes to our attention that individuals within our radio community interact disrespectfully, excluding or harming others on the basis of expression of race, colour, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, religious beliefs, political preference, sexual orientation, citizenship or national origin, among other personal characteristics.
- We seek to mediate and resolve conflicts that arise from biases within our community.
Studio and Equipment
- We have a “You break it, you let the Editorial Board know” policy. Any damages caused by misuse, negligence and carelessness must be reported.
- Theft or willful destruction of studio equipment will be reported.
- We expect you to respect the property of VU Campusradio.
- If you find that others did not respect the VU Campusradio policy, please inform the Editorial board.
Smoking, alcohol and illegal substances
- Alcohol is not permitted inside the studio.
- Smoking is not allowed inside the studio.
- Illegal substances are not allowed in the studio.
- Non-compliance can lead to the loss of access to the studio.
- Please help us keep the area neat and clean.
- Do not leave food or trash in nor outside the studio.
- Please make sure to clean up after you by placing all trash in the bins provided outside the studio.
- Make sure to leave the studio the same way you arrived.
- If you find the studio in state of disorder, please inform the Editorial Board