Who are you?
Koen Voors
What do you do in your day-to-day life?
I work at Leiden University for the Institute Political Science as a policy officer. Even though I do work for the competition, I also volunteer at VU Campusradio. I don’t know if it is Stockholm syndrome or just the VU, but it seems like I am not able to leave this place.
Why are you making radio?
Radio is the greatest medium since it allows the imagination to fill in the gaps. This intrigues me. VU campusradio gives me the chance to experiment with this while increasing the VU community, a win-win.
What’s the best song ever?
I think that would be either ‘One more time’ by Daft Punk or ‘Suffragette City’ by David Bowie, both due to youth sentiment. Just one of the few though.
What rarities about you are noteworthy?
Probably my collection of vinyl and my interest in Soviet music or history in general. To be honest, I think I am best described as part of the ‘young elderly’, looking young and being old.